Sunday, March 16, 2014

PlayMark by PlayOn

A Browser Extension Well Worth Adding

The Beta version of this extension came out last June, and after testing it, I was truly excited about its possibilities.  The browser extension, which appears at the top of your screen similar to the Pinterest button, is a snap to use and works seamlessly with PlayOn or PlayLater.

The beauty of the extension is that it will send virtually any video you are viewing online to your television to watch immediately, or play later.  This includes music, movies, and tutorial videos from YouTube.

Since I retired my genealogy websites in October of 2013, I took up crocheting.  I found PlayMark to be especially wonderful in sending those crochet tutorials to my large screen television, and it only takes a few shorts steps.

Example of using PlayMark Browser extension
Once you begin playing a video online, you simply click the PlayOn icon extension.  It then analyzes the video and sends it to your television via your Roku player.  If you have more than one player, you can select from which television you'd like to view.  After the "Success" of the casting, you simply open your PlayMark channel and the folder to which it was saved.  This folder is the same as the original destination, so that if you viewed the video on YouTube, it would be in a folder of the same name.

For me, I cast the video to the television, grab my hook and yarn, and start the video.  What's especially nice about this feature is that I can stitch, pause, play or rewind.  It's a great feature for any tutorial, and these functions work even better if you have downloaded the Roku Remote app onto a tablet.  Additionally, the app will also turn your mobile phone into a remote.

That's really all there is to it.  I love PlayOn, and this new feature, now out of beta and fully functional, is a real plus.   Users can watch the recorded shows on their televisions by streaming media not only through the Roku, but also through Xbox360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, Google TV, and any other PlayOn-compatible device or mobile device.

PlayOn is always having a sale, and its well worth the low currently annual cost of $29.99, or the lifetime price of PlayOn and PlayLater bundle of $69.99.  You can check out all their plans at the  PlayOn store, risk free, with a 30 day money back guarantee and if not completely satisfied, you cancel at any time. It really is that simple.

You've got nothing to lose, and so much to enjoy by giving it a try.

As always, Happy Streaming!

Note: Example photo is from Jennifer's "Fiber Flux" blog spot.  If you are a crocheter, or want to learn, check out her easy-to-follow tutorials - and enjoy learning on your big screen, thanks to PlayMark!